“Fatto en Italia”: Blackfin stars in Chilevision

21 October 2022

How much is our country admired around the world? Culture, art, style, gourmet food and wine… Everyone knows Italy, but perhaps never quite well enough, because there are so many stories to be told!

Which brings us to Chilevision, the Chilean TV channel which – in partnership with the Italian Embassy in Chile – produced a program called “Fatto en Italia”, dedicated specifically to the Bel Paese. A six-episode tour from north to south gives viewers a front-row seat to discover our known and lesser-known districts and treasures.

Starting in Venice and moving on to the eyewear district, where the Blackfin story was told, the episodes were aired – with epic shares – in August and September.

Curious for more? The Blackfin episode aired on August 13 and is available on the TV channel’s website at:

A stunning initiative that spreads the word about our expert craftsmanship and raises awareness around authentic Made in Italy products.


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